GSA 2015 Hackathon – Data Center Tool

Category: UI / UX, Web Development

Role: UI/UX Designer, UI Developer
Year: 2015
Client: General Services Administration (GSA)
Technology: Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS, Cloud9, Adobe Illustrator

I competed in a 6-hour hackathon where we were tasked with creating a Data Center Tool to help track and manage data centers. We used tools such as Cloud 9 (think Google Docs for code) throughout the hackathon to increase collaboration. I created the initial mockups and validated the design with the key stakeholder before starting to build the application UI. We used Bootstrap to build an interactive and mobile-responsive prototype that displayed the general flow of the app. Overall the design was a success and our team won the hackathon, ultimately leading to a real contract to build the full application.

Screenshots + demo of Coded UI


Created in Adobe Illustrator


