Category: UI / UX, Web Development
Role: UI/UX Designer, UI Developer
Year: 2016
Technology: Angular, Node.js, Bootstrap
In preparation for a hackathon, our team went through multiple rounds of practice Agile-style hackathons where we were given requirements and prompted to develop the functionality within a few hours. The below screenshots are the result of the practice hackathons. We were tasked with creating an HR application that allowed users to publicly give “kudos” to to their company peers, so that HR could better assess employee contributions. The app allowed users to publicly give kudos to another employee, write comments, and give likes. On the HR side, users were able to view metrics within a specified time period, configure kudos types, and manage award nominations.
I was responsible for designing the workflow and wireframes, as well as implementing the design in the Angular app. Below are screenshots of the built application.